Cubic inches (in3, cu in):
United States customary units (US):
Imperial units (UK):
How to convert cubic inches to pints?
United States customary units (US):
Liquid pint
The volume in liquid pints (US) is equal to the volume in cubic inches (in3) divided by 28.875.
liquid pints (US) = cubic inch / 28.875
1 cubic inch = 0.034632 liquid pints (US)
1 cu in = 0.034632 pt US liquid
1 in3 = 0.034632 pt US liquid
Dry pint
The volume in dry pints (US) is equal to the volume in cubic inches (in3) divided by 33.6.
dry pints (US) = cubic inch / 33.6003125
1 cubic inch = 0.02976 dry pints (US)
1 cu in = 0.02976 pt US dry
1 in3 = 0.02976 pt US dry
Imperial units (UK)
The volume in imperial pints (imp pt) is equal to the volume in cubic inches (in3) divided by 34.677429099.
imperial pints (UK) = cubic inch / 34.677429099
1 cubic inch = 0.0288372 imp pints (UK)
1 cu in = 0.0288372 pt imp
1 in3 =0.0288372 pt imp