As-built documentation for construction – is text and graphics that reflect the actual performance of the design decisions and the actual situation of capital structures and their elements in the process of construction, reconstruction, repair of capital construction projects upon completion of certain project documentation works. (Clause 3 RD-11-02-2006 Russian Standard).
The composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities are given in RD-11-02-2006 “Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and requirements for acts inspection of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks “, as well as in SP 48.13330.2011” Organization of construction. Updated version of SNiP 12-01-20 04 “(Russian building code)
Key Points
- It is carried out by the person carrying out the construction;
To be stored by the developer (customer). During the final inspection, it is transferred to the state construction supervision body. After the inspection, it is returned to the customer or developer; - After issuing permission to put the facility into operation, the executive documentation is transferred by the developer (customer) to the owner of the facility or management company;
- In the event of unintentional loss of executive documentation by construction participants, by decision of the state construction supervision body, an inspection of the object is allowed. If there is a positive conclusion on the results of such a survey, the restoration of the lost executive documentation is not required;
- The composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation is determined by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (RD-11-02-2006)
- Executive documentation is kept on paper and (or) by agreement between participants in electronic interaction in the form of electronic documents signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature.
(from February 27, 2018 by order of Rostekhnadzor No. 47 dated November 9, 2017)
Classification and main types
In accordance with clause 6.13 of SP 48.13330.2011 Organization of construction. The updated version of SNiP 12-01-2004, the person carrying out the construction, in accordance with the legislation on urban development activities, must maintain the executive documentation:
- certificates of survey of the geodetic center of the capital construction object;
- acts of breakdown of axes of the capital construction facility on the ground;
- certificates of examination of hidden works;
- inspection certificates of responsible structures;
- inspection certificates of sections of engineering networks;
- a set of working drawings with inscriptions on the conformity of the work performed in kind to these drawings or on the changes made to them in consultation with the designer, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works;
- executive geodetic schemes and drawings;
- executive schemes and profiles of sections of networks of engineering and technical support;
- acts of testing and testing of technical devices;
- the results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests of work performed in the process of construction control;
- documents confirming the quality control of the applied building materials (products);
- other documents reflecting the actual implementation of design decisions.
Requirements for the preparation and procedure for maintaining executive documentation are established by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision [RD-11-02-2006].
Executive documentation is subject to permanent storage with the developer (technical customer). At the time of the final inspection, the executive documentation is transferred to the state construction supervision body.