Days Between Dates – Online Calculator

Enter the first date:
Enter the second date:

How many days between dates?

The formula for calculating the number of days between two dates is complicated due to the different number of days in a year and days in months. Therefore, we will not present this formula.

Use the online calculator above to calculate the number of days between dates.

Number of days between dates = second date – first date

The first date is the start date.

The second date is the end date.

In the calculator, you can choose whether to include the second date in the difference. For example:

How many days between January 2, 2023 and January 5, 2023?

  • If “not including second date” is selected, then the number of days is 5 – 2 = 3 days.
  • If “including second date” is selected, then the second date is counted as another full day, then the number of days is (5 + 1) – 2 = 4 days.