Cubic feet (ft3, cu ft):
United States customary units (US):
Imperial units (UK):
How to convert cubic feet to gallons?
United States customary units (US)
Standard gallon
The volume in US standard gallons (liquid) is equal to the volume in cubic feet (ft3) multiplied by 7.481.
US standard gallons = cubic feet x 7.481
1 cubic feet = 7.481 US standard gallons
1 cu ft = 7.481 gal US
1 ft3 = 7.481 gal US
Dry gallon
The volume in US dry gallons (usdrygal) is equal to the volume in cubic feet (ft3) multiplied by 6.429.
US dry gallons = cubic feet x 6.429
1 cubic feet = 6.429 US dry gallons
1 cu ft = 6.429 gal US dry
1 ft3 = 6.429 gal US dry
Imperial units (UK)
Standard imperial gallon
The volume in standard imperial gallons (UK) is equal to the volume in cubic feet (ft3) multiplied by 6.229.
standard imperial gallons (UK) = cubic feet x 6.229
1 cubic feet = 6.229 standard imp gallons (UK)
1 cu ft = 6.229 gal imp
1 ft3 = 6.229 gal imp
Wine gallon
The volume in wine gallons (UK) is equal to the volume in cubic feet (ft3) multiplied by 7.481.
wine gallons (UK) = cubic feet x 7.481
1 cubic feet = 7.481 wine gallons (UK)
1 cu ft = 7.481 gal wine
1 ft3 = 7.481 gal wine