kN to t – kilonewtons to tons (kN to ton-force)

Enter kN (kilonewtons):

Result tons:

0.00t (g=9.81 m/s2)
0.00t (g≈10 m/s2)

How to convert kN to tons?

The correct unit of measurement is tf (ton-force).

1 kN = 0.1019716 tf (with the acceleration of free fall g = 9.80665 m/s2)

1 kN = 0.1019716 t

1 kilonewtons = 0.1019716 tons.

if rounded, then 1 kN ≈ 0.1 tf (with rounded gravitational acceleration g≈10 m/s2)

1 kN ≈ 0.1 t

1 kilonewtons ≈ 0.1 tons.