m3 to qt – cu m to quart (US quart: liquid, dry; imperial quart UK)

Cubic meters (m3, cu m):

United States customary units (US):

0.00liquid quarts (US)
0.00dry quarts (US)

Imperial units (UK):

0.00quarts (UK)

How to convert cubic meters to quarts?

United States customary units (US)

Liquid quart

The volume in liquid quarts (US) is equal to the volume in cubic meters (m3) multiplied by 1057.

liquid quarts (US) = cubic meters x 1057

1 cubic meters = 1057 liquid quarts (US)

1 cu m = 1057 qt US liquid

1 m3 = 1057 qt US liquid

Dry quart

The volume in dry quarts (US) is equal to the volume in cubic meters (m3) multiplied by 908.

dry quarts (US) = cubic meters x 908

1 cubic meters = 908 dry quarts (US)

1 cu m = 908 qt US dry

1 m3 = 908 qt US dry

Imperial units (UK)

The volume in quarts (imp qt) is equal to the volume in cubic meters (m3) multiplied by 880.

imperial quarts (UK) = cubic meters x 880

1 cubic meters = 880 imp quarts (UK)

1 cu m = 880 qt imp

1 m3 = 880 qt imp