Square yard to cubic yard (yd2 to yd3, sq yd to cu yd) online converter

Enter area in square yard (yd2):

If the thickness (height) is measured in inches (in)

Enter thickness (height) in inches (in):

The volume in cubic yard is:


If the thickness (height) is measured in feet (ft)

Enter thickness (height) in feet (ft):

The area in square yard is:


If the thickness (height) is measured in yard (yd)

Enter thickness (height) in yard(yd):

The area in square yard is:


How to convert from square yard (yd2) to cubic yard (yd3)?

If the thickness (height) is measured in inches (in):

To convert square yard to cubic yard, square yard must be multiplied by the thickness in inches and divide by 36

yd3 = yd2 * in / 36

If the thickness (height) is measured in feet (ft):

To convert square yard (yd^2) to cubic yard (yd^3), square yard must be multiplied by the thickness in feet (ft) and divide by 3

yd3 =  yd2 * ft / 3

If the thickness (height) is measured in yard (yd):

To convert square yard (yd^2) to cubic yard (yd^3), square yard must be multiplied by the thickness in yard (yd)

yd3 = yd2 / yd