Enter the length in feet (ft):
(e.g. room length in feet)
Enter the width in feet (ft):
(e.g. room width in feet)
If the width of linear feet measured in feet:
Enter the width of linear feet in feet (ft):
Length in linear feet (LF) is:
If the width of linear feet measured in inch:
Enter the width of linear feet in inch (in):
Length in linear feet (LF) is:
How many feet are in linear feet?
Linear feet = (lenght * width) / width of one linear feet.
LF = (L*W) / width of one LF
LF is the abbreviation for linear feet
Sq ft is the abbreviation for square feet
L – lenght (e.g. room length)
W – width (e.g. room width)
ft2 is the abbreviation for square feet